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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

色彩养生 5色补五脏 Healthy Food by Color


1. 白色补肺

2. 红色补心

3. 青色补肝

4. 黄色补胃

5. 黑色补肾

*Below text is translated using google. Any text differ, please refer to the chinese text.
Human has a long history in studies of color, Chinese people are concerned about color and that color and health are closely related. Chinese traditional medicine have colored internal organs assertion that the "white for lung, and red for heart, green for liver, yellow for stomach, black for kidney." Although the color is classified as an alternative health natural remedies but it is not absolutely rigorous science, but some clinical practice has proved that the color regimen can achieve good results, as our health care theory, is good to have a look.

1. White is good for lungs
White foods rich in protein , vitamin C, calcium, iron , B vitamins , with enhanced disease resistance , it is also a rare high potassium and magnesium , sodium healthy food. Rice is the foundation of food , tofu, milk, calcium -rich, life-sustaining movement.
Representative food : rice , soy , fish and a variety of foods in water , milk

2. Red is good for hearts

Red is the color of the heart , so the red food nourishing the heart into the blood , and blood circulation effect. Red food iron and vitamin B can be blood ; lycopene and anthocyanins can enhance memory , emotional stability . Grapes and red wine contains resveratrol can reduce the risk of heart disease .
Representative food : Chinese wolfberry , tomatoes , lamb , cherries, red pepper, red sweet potatoes

3. Green is good for liver
Most green vegetables contain lutein, protect eyesight, aid digestion , strong bones effect. Cellulose can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal peristalsis , help digestion and absorption. Lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoids can prevent vision loss , as well as prevention of dry eye and night blindness.
Representative food: spinach, asparagus , leeks , broccoli , cabbage, lettuce , green peppers

4. Yellow is good for stomach
Rideau yellow fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, such as oranges , lemons, corn is the master of the synthesis of vitamin C , and vitamin D may promote calcium and phosphorus absorption ; millet and other grains beneficial to stomach .
Representative food: millet , potatoes , beef , pumpkin, grapefruit , pineapple , lemon , apricot , mango

5. Black is good for kidney
Black food rich in amino acids and essential trace elements. Mushrooms contain selenium, can accelerate blood circulation. Silky contains 17 kinds of amino acids , is high in protein , low in fat and high- tonic and boosting immune function.
Representative food : fungus, mushrooms, black sesame, black rice , black beans , seaweed, black fungus , Silky

摘自 顺丰优选网站


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